Ready To Go Beyond?!
Starting in 2024, we have a sparkling, new registration process! We hope this adds ease and accessibility to signing up. Whether you are registering a participant or volunteer, it's the same link for both. Just pick the city that's best for you and create a Team Snap account!
We can't wait to dance with you!!
**For Participants**
Needs-based scholarships are available. Please email us for more information and guidance on how to use a scholarship in Team Snap.
**For Volunteers**
We recommend that our volunteers are a minimum of 15 years old, but special considerations may be made for peer buddies with completion of an interview. Please email us if volunteer is under the age 15, but would still like to be involved.
Our programs are possible because of the many volunteers that serve as dance buddies for our participants! We utilize peer buddies, as well as grad students, therapists, and passionate members of our community. We are always in need of volunteers to create a fun, safe, and empowering environment for our dancers.